POPO LIVE's Privacy Policy

The Privacy Policy("Policy") was written in English (US) and will be the agreement between You and POPO LIVE ("POPO LIVE") while you are using POPO LIVE's applications ("APP"). To the extent, any translated version of this Policy conflicts with the English version, this English version prevails. Date of Last Revision: AUG 20, 2024                                                                       

                                                       Privacy Policy

The website is owned and operated by Mimo Solution. (we, our, us, Company, POPO LIVE). We provide online video hosting, sharing, and related services through our branded Mobile Application (Platform) for mobile and connected devices, (Services). We are committed to protecting the personal data of all individuals, including children who access our website.

This privacy policy (Privacy Policy) explains the details of our collection, use, and disclosure of information, including your personal information, while offering our Services to you. This Privacy Policy applies regardless of whether you have downloaded or accessed the Platform from your mobile telephone or handheld device or any other computer resource to access our Services. This Privacy Policy must be read in conjunction and together with the Terms of Use, available at:

 Information We Collect

A.     Personal Information refers to any information about a living individual who can be identified from that information, either by itself or when it is combined with other information.

B.      You must be at least 18 or 18+ years old to register on our Platform and avail of our Services. Anyone under 18 years old must not use the platform.

C.     You may choose to unsubscribe from our Platform, correspondence trail, or marketing campaigns at any given time, by writing to us at help@popolive.in

D.     Information you provide to us: We will only require you to provide such personal information that is necessary for us to provide you with a Service at your request. We may also collect certain information automatically, details of which are provided below:

a.      Personal Information Categories:

b.     Username: for purpose of identification on the platform; need not be your actual name and is better not to be

c.      Photo: for identification; need not be your photo, can be any photo, within the realm of our decency guidelines

d.     Phone Number: For login (optional)

e.      Gender: to create a profile;

f.       Financial Information (credit/ debit card, digital wallet, net banking details): for in-app purchases and withdrawals (we do not retain this information; this is managed by our payment service provider exclusively);

g.     Additional information relevant to your use of our Platform/ Services, such as your followed streamers, private message content and feedback and messages to our support team.

Information that is publicly available about you in the public domain will not be regarded as personal data.

E.     Information we collect about you from our Platform. We collect information using cookies to help distinguish you from other users of our Platform, offer you a personalized experience, and minimize your efforts concerning your interactions with us. To understand how we deploy cookies on your system, we encourage you to access

When you visit our website, we may collect the following information:

a.      Which pages do you access, and view, and which links do you follow;

b.     Your IP address and general location;

C. Details of your devices for using our Platform, including URL and time stamps; any passwords that you use.

We may further use tracking technologies to assess the performance of the Platform including as part of our analytic practices or otherwise to improve the content, products, or services offered through the Platform. [insert any other identifier so collected by us automatically]

F. Information We Collect from Third Parties: We may work with a limited number of third parties (including mobile network providers, collection agencies, and analytics providers) to provide the Services and may receive information about you from such third parties. We also receive profile information from the social media platform/s that you use to log in or create accounts with us.

You understand and agree that third-party websites may have policies that are different from those of the Platform. You note that such Services, to that limited extent, will be governed by the policies of such third parties. For instance, our collection of your registration information, when you log in via the social media plug-ins, will be regulated by the terms of the social media platforms. You are encouraged to review the policies and services made available via these third-party sites before you consent to their usage on the Platform.

G.  We do not collect any further information from you, if not specifically mentioned hereinabove.

Legal Basis for Processing of your information

H.  We process your data based on your consent or your parent’s consent, which we may seek from you. We may further process your personal information, without your prior consent, for certain legitimate uses namely:

a.     For the specified purpose for which you have voluntarily provided your data;

b.     Fulfilling an obligation to State instrumentalities to disclose processing information about a certain user;

c.     Compliance with any judgment, or decree under any law for the time being in force in India.

d.     Protect your or another person’s vital interests, involving a (i) threat to the life or immediate threat to the health of the individual, (ii) medical treatment or health services to any individual during an epidemic, outbreak of disease, or any other threat to public health; (iii) help during a disaster.

Normally, we rely on your explicit prior consent to process your personal information. However, in certain aforesaid circumstances, we may be required to process your data, without seeking your prior consent, to comply with our legal obligations under the law.

Why We Collect Information.

I.       We take your right to privacy seriously, and so we have attempted to identify and enumerate the specific use cases of the identifiers as below.

a.      We need your information to create your account with us and allow you to continue our Platform as a registered user;

b.     To provide and process service requests initiated by you;

c.      To help facilitate in-app purchases and make subscribed and paid content available to you;

d.     For providing location-based services;

e.      To recommend videos to users they might be interested in;

f.       Provide you with a grievance redressal portal.

g.     To comply with any compliances required by law enforcement agencies, and governmental authorities.

h.     To provide you with news, special offers, and general information about other products and services along with marketing information and surveys;

i.       Sharing your information with third parties.

J.      We will never display, rent, or sell your personally identifiable information to others. We may share your data with selected third parties. For example, we may share your information with:

a.      A web development company that maintains our Platform. They will only access your data to address any issues you face on the Platform.

b.     Our payment service provider, to process payments on our behalf. Our payment provider will collect and process your payment details; we will not store or have access to your full credit or debit card details.

c.      There are certain other exceptional circumstances in which we may disclose your information to third parties. This would be where we believe that the disclosure is:

d.     Required by the law, or to comply with judicial proceedings, court orders, or legal or regulatory proceedings.

e.      Necessary to protect the safety of our employees, our property, or the public.

f.       Necessary for the prevention or detection of crime, including exchanging information with other companies or organizations for fraud protection and credit risk reduction.

g.     As part of a merger, business, or asset sale, if this happens, we will share your information with the prospective seller or buyer involved.

Unless mandated in law, we do not share your information in any manner which may identify you.

We may also share aggregated, non-personally identifiable information publicly and with our partners, like publishers, advertisers or connected sites to show trends about the general use. 

K.     Our lawful basis for such transfer will be either based on consent or one of the legitimate use cases permissible by laws.

How long do we keep your personal information?

L. Retention periods for records are based on the type of record, the nature of the activity, and the product and service that the same is associated with, and linked to. We will only store your personal information for as long as we need it for the purposes for which it was collected. Where we provide you with any Service, such as where you register, we will retain any information you provide to us at least for as long as we continue to provide that service to you.

M. We may further retain your information till the period that is required for us meeting your requests on our Platform, and in compliance with the applicable laws, and statutory requirements.

Duties of Data Principals

N. Data Principal shall mean the individual to whom the personal data relates. Users of the Platform have certain rights and obligations in law, which they must comply with, to continue availing of our Services on our Platform.

O. Every visitor of this Platform must comply with the provisions of all applicable laws for the time being in force while exercising rights under this Privacy Policy. The visitors must ensure that:

a.      To not impersonate another person while providing her data for a specified purpose;

b.     To ensure not to suppress any material information while providing her data for any document, unique identifier, proof of identity, or proof of address issued by the State or any of its instrumentalities;

c.      To ensure not to register a false or frivolous grievance or complaint with a Company; and

d.     To furnish only such information as is verifiably authentic, while exercising the right to correction or erasure under the applicable laws.

What rights do you have in respect of your personal information?

17. You have several rights to the information we hold about you. To action these rights, you are encouraged to write to: help@popolive.in These rights include.

a.      The right to access the information we hold about you, and to obtain details of processing;

b.     The right to withdraw your consent to our continued processing of the information, at any point of time, subject only to any legitimate reason for continued processing in certain circumstances;

c.      The right to edit your account information and preferences available with us;

d.     The right to the erasure of any personal data that we process, in certain circumstances, to the extent permissible in law, and feasible.

e.      The right to nominate an individual in the event of your death or incapacity to exercise your rights under this Privacy Policy.

f.       The right to grievance redressal in respect of any act or omission on our part.

g.     Kindly ensure you use appropriate subjects to mention the right (e.g. data correction or consent withdrawal) while raising all such requests, this would help us process your requests in a faster and more efficient manner. We may take 30 days from the date of receipt of a request to complete your requests.

How do we protect your personal information?

P. We understand that we must safeguard your personal information available to us. We use and employ industry-standard technical, organizational, logical, physical, and administrative measures to protect your personal information against any unauthorized access, modification, or use.

Q. We employ necessary anonymization techniques to ensure that your identity is never visible to our systems, or our teams. Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the Internet is not completely secure. Although we will do our best to protect your data, we cannot guarantee the complete security of your data transmitted vide our Platform.

Personal Data of Children

R. If you are a minor in your jurisdiction, your registration and use of our Services must be based on the consent of your parent. If you are a parent, you can refuse to permit us to collect Personal Information from your child and can request that we delete from our records the Personal Information we have collected. Please keep in mind that a request to delete records may lead to a termination of the account and access to other Services.

If you have any questions or concerns about our approach to children's privacy, you, as a parent, want to access the data of your child or request the deletion of your child's data, you are encouraged to reach out to us at: help@popolive.in.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

S. We make periodical changes to the privacy policy with or without notice. The new terms would be displayed on the webpage and by using or continuing to use the Services you agree to the periodical changes made to the Privacy Policy and it would also be presumed that you are aware of any modifications thus made. Please check back frequently to see any updates or changes to our privacy policy.

This version was last updated on 20 August 2024 and archived versions can be obtained by contacting us.

Contact Us

T. If you have any questions about your privacy or our use of your personal information, please contact our Grievance Officer at help@popolive.in